You might f??l ?nx??u? wh?n f???d w?th a problem ?t w?rk, b?f?r? m?k?ng ?n ?m??rt?nt d??????n ?r before t?k?ng a t??t. But anxiety d???rd?r? involve more th?n br??f worry or f??r. F?r a ??r??n w?th ?n ?nx??t? d???rd?r, th? anxiety d??? not g? ?w?? ?nd ??n get w?r?? ?v?r time. Th? ??m?t?m? can ?nt?rf?r? w?th d??l? ??t?v?t??? ?u?h as j?b ??rf?rm?n??, school work, ?nd r?l?t??n?h???.
Anxiety d???rd?r? can be ??t?g?r?z?d ?nt? g?n?r?l?z?d ?nx??t? d???rd?r, ??n?? disorder, ?nd phobia-related d???rd?r?.
P???l? w?th g?n?r?l?z?d ?nx??t? disorder d???l?? ?x?????v? w?rr? ?r anxiety, most d??? for ?t least 6 months, ?b?ut a numb?r ?f th?ng? such ?? ??r??n?l h??lth, w?rk, ?????l ?nt?r??t??n?, and ?v?r?d?? routine l?f? circumstances. The fear ?nd ?nx??t? ??n cause ??gn?f???nt problems ?n ?r??? ?f their l?f?, ?u?h ?? ?????l ?nt?r??t??n?, school, and w?rk.
P?n?? attacks ?r? ?udd?n periods ?f intense f??r th?t ??m? on ?u??kl? ?nd r???h their peak w?th?n minutes. P???l? w?th ??n?? disorder h?v? r????t?d unpredicted panic ?tt??k?. Attacks ??n ???ur un?r?d??t?bl? ?r ??n b? br?ught ?n b? a trigger, such ?? a f??r?d ?bj??t ?r ??tu?t??n.
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